August 3, 2002

We got a letter from my mom today. She talked about priorities and putting the Lord first. That reminded me that when school starts I hope I always get up 15 minutes early to make time to pray and read the scriptures. I know if I do that I will be better prepared to face the demands of law school. In fact, setting a goal to read and pray each morning will probably help me as much with school as any school related goal because I know that when I put the Lord first he will bless me with the enlarged abilities I need to succeed in law school. That is my goal, to pray each morning, and to read the scriptures for 15 minutes or so each morning before I do anything else. That will help me succeed as much as anything I could do. I know the Lord will bless me if I seek Him, and I need His blessings as much as ever, and I want to be near him.


  1. I would like ot hear how the story continues...

  2. Came across this posting and was wondering did you ever find spiritual independence? Have you found that you are blessed whether you read scriptures and pray on a set schedule? Have you found your spiritual freedom? I too have left the Mormon religion and after my search for true happiness I could never go back to Mormonism or any religion for that matter. Spiritualism has been more freeing to me that anything has ever been in my life. I hope that you have found that also. I do know that Mormonism, being my frame of reference, has also caused much division in my family, I grew up in. It was a challenge to make my own path, and I have been shunned by parents and several siblings. So it has not been easy, but I found that when one follows their "knowing" one can withstand anything. Much love to you and in your life journey. :)

  3. Wow! A comment! I need to get back on this project. If someone found this when it hasn't been updated in forever, I should get back to posting about my journey. The short answer is 'yes.' For the long answer, well, I should get back to telling the story.
